Patient Instructions After Periodontal Surgical Procedures

Please read the following instructions carefully. This will prevent complications and improve the results of your surgery.


Reduce your activity following surgery. No running, weight lifting or any strenuous aerobic activity for 48 hours.

Care of your mouth

Immediately after surgery keep cold water with ice chips in your mouth or other cold foods, such as ice cream or low-fat yogurt, for 6 hours. Allow these cold foods to defrost in your mouth thereby cooling the surgical site. Application of an external ice pack is of little value. Do not brush your teeth in the areas that have dressing or sutures. The dressing may be swabbed with a Q-tip dipped in mouthwash. Do all normal cleaning procedures of teeth that did not have surgery. If you have a tissue graft, do not touch or pull your lip to look at the graft.


Following all types of surgery you can expect some discomfort. If pain and/or anti-inflammatory medication is prescribed, take as directed. If nausea develops, take the medication with milk or foods. Do not drink alcoholic beverages in combination with pain medication.


In some cases swelling may be expected, but it will go away in 3 to 4 days. After 24 hours, stop using cold. Use warm, moist washcloths on the face after 3 days.


There will be a small amount of bleeding in your mouth following surgery. The cold food or drink after surgery will minimize bleeding. Avoid spitting, rinsing or sucking actions since this will disturb the surgical site. If bleeding persists, dip a tea bag in cold water and press firmly on the area for at least 10 minutes. If bleeding continues, call the office.


Eat only cold, soft foods on the day of surgery. After the first day, stay on a soft but balanced diet. Do not eat hard, chewy, crunchy or spicy foods for at least a week..

Stent (retainer)

If you are given a stent, leave it in place for 24 hours. Remove and clean after 24 hours and replace for eating for the remainder of the week.


Pieces of the surgical dressing (pack) may come off. This is not a problem and should be expected. If there is bleeding or pain following dislodgment, please call the office.


If antibiotics are prescribed, take them as directed until they are all gone. If an allergic reaction and/or nausea develops, call the office.


Please do not smoke following surgery. Tobacco smoke is an irritant and delays healing of the tissue. Refrain from smoking for as long as possible.


If you have any questions, call the office. After hours and on weekends you can page the doctors by dialing their pager numbers from a push-button phone.

Dr. Greenberg's pager number is 1-800-800-7759, I.D. #62270
Dr. Sims' number is 310-534-5500

 Postoperative Guidelines for Patients Receiving Implants

For rapid healing and the best implant results it is necessary to adhere to the following directions after the surgery:


Reduce your activity following surgery. No running, weight lifting or strenuous aerobic activity for 48 hours.

Care of your mouth

Immediately after surgery keep cold water with ice chips in your mouth or other cold foods, such as ice cream or low-fat yogurt, for 6 hours. Do this as continuously as possible. Allow these cold foods to defrost in your mouth thereby cooling the surgical site. Application of an external ice pack is of little value. Do all normal cleaning procedures of teeth that did not have surgery. Please try not to "play" with the top covers over the implants.


Following all types of surgery you can expect some discomfort. If pain medication is prescribed take as directed. If nausea develops, take the medication with milk and food. Do not drink alcoholic beverages in combination with pain medication.


In some cases, swelling may be expected. Generally we prescribe anti-inflammatory medications to be used for 3-4 days following surgery. This will minimize the swelling. In addition, cold water or other cold liquids for 6-8 hours immediately following surgery is essential in order to minimize swelling. You must stay on cold liquids the entire day following surgery. After 24 hours, any temperature liquid may be used. Do not apply heat for 72 hours.


A small amount of bleeding may be expected. Please do not do any spitting, rinsing or sucking. Biting on the gauze that has been provided, soaked in cold water, is ideal to prevent bleeding after surgery.


Eat only cold, soft foods mainly liquid for 3-4 days following any surgery. Do not eat hard, chewy, crunchy or spicy foods.


Please do not wear your dentures for the first two weeks after surgery. Please do not wear your dentures until instructed to do so by the doctor.


If antibiotics are prescribed, take them as directed until they are all gone. If an allergic reaction and/or nausea develops, call the office.


Do Not Smoke. Smoking can seriously irritate and delay healing of tissue.


If you have any questions, call the office. After hours and on weekends you can page the doctors by dialing their pager numbers from a push-button phone.

Dr. Greenberg's pager number is 1-800-800-7759, I.D. #62270
 Dr. Sims' number is 310-534-5500

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